Healthcare SaaS Marketing
Software as a Service (SaaS) continues to be one of the fastest-growing business segments in healthcare.
This trend makes complete sense in a healthcare environment because healthcare provider organizations prefer not to absorb the cost of owning, operating, updating and replacing and maintaining hardware and software that are subject to constant changes, security and other regulations as well as the related personnel costs.
Cloud-based EHR and telehealth services have led the way in Healthcare SaaS but value-based care, population health and shared risk agreements are also factors that accelerate the demand for and value of an increasing range of cloud-based solutions.
Marketing strategies for acquiring and retaining SaaS customers in the healthcare industry share some traits and tactics in common with other industries but also bring their own unique target customer characteristics, perspective and decision-making processes to the success equation.
Successful SaaS marketing is not achieved with poorly or insufficiently integrated strategies, tactics and processes. It requires
- smart, strategic planning
- compelling differentiation
- relevant and motivating messaging
- the ideal, integrated combination of marketing communication channels
- effective, well-targeted campaigns to different customer profiles
- consistency
- identification and analysis of most meaningful data
- constant adjustments based on results
Forefront Healthcare Consulting provides marketing strategy, branding and customer acquisition and retention consulting and implementation support services for healthcare SaaS companies.
Whether your healthcare SaaS is a newer startup or a more established offering facing increasing competition and market share dilution, Forefront Healthcare Consulting can provide:
- fresh, relevant and current insights
- objective, market-based perspective
- competitive analysis
- better, clearer and more compelling brand and product differentiation
- advice and/or development of an integrated marketing plan and system
- marketing implementation support or outsourcing
SaaS Solutions
- Practice management
- Patient scheduling
- Telehealth
- At-home health testing
- Remote patient monitoring software
- Data analytics
- Medical billing/RCM
- Employer healthcare screening, wellness and employee engagement
- Patient engagement, compliance and adherence