Healthcare Startups

Because U.S. healthcare is such a vibrant and dynamic industry, healthcare startups seem to proliferate faster than in many other fields of innovative endeavor.

Here are the two most common paths for healthcare startups:

  1. Launch (with or without outside investors), lose money, build audience, get customers (gradually and eventually), lose customers, improve user experience, get customers, keep more customers than they lose, eventually sell or, in some unique cases, go public.

  2. Launch (with or without outside investors), lose money, fail to build audience or customers, try to fix what isn’t working, fail some more, crash and burn (along with any investor money they may have been able to attract).

Consulting for Healthcare Startups

Forefront Healthcare Consulting can help you avoid the pitfalls and potholes on your path from startup launch to successful, established business. We have expertise in the following important categories for healthcare startup success.

  • Market Research
  • Branding and Product Differentiation
  • Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Beta site selection
  • Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Direct Sales

We work with healthcare startups in the following categories:

  • Medical Devices
  • Biopharmaceutical
  • Medical Research
  • Medical Treatments
  • Telehealth
  • Mobile health (mHealth)
  • Healthcare Enterprise Technology (most often cloud-based software platforms, frequently utilizing some type of artificial intelligence)
  • Medical/Physician Referral Services

Call us at 800-924-5447 to discuss how we can help smooth out the bumps on your road to startup success.