Training and Coaching

Forefront Healthcare Consulting has trained and coached thousands of individuals and teams who work in or provide products and services to the U.S. healthcare industry.


Training may be a one-time activity (such as new hire onboarding training) or a multi-event process provided over time (such as new skills training). Forefront Healthcare Consulting provides the following training services:

  • Sales training
  • Marketer training
  • Physician Liaison training
  • Patient Experience training
    • Patient Experience Strategy
    • Patient-Centric Culture
    • Patient Experience Design & Innovation
    • Patient Experience Measurement & Analysis


Coaching services are most often provided to individuals on a one-to-one basis, although some team coaching programs are available. Coaching services may be provided remotely through video and phone conferences as well as onsite at the client’s location. Forefront Healthcare Consulting provides the following coaching services:

  • Leadership
  • Culture transformation
  • Work/Life Balance 

For the past thirty years, Forefront Healthcare Consulting has been working with healthcare providers and businesses that offer products, services and other business solutions to the healthcare industry to help them achieve and maintain profitable growth.

Forefront provides strategic profitable growth consulting, planning, services and resources in these categories:

  • New product introductions
  • Healthcare startups
  • Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Sales
  • Coaching & Training
  • Post-merger rebranding
  • Patient experience and engagement
  • Population health management
  • Remote patient monitoring

Call 800-924-5447 for your free initial consultation to discuss how we can help with your profitable growth challenges and opportunities.